Wednesday, February 3, 2010

American Idol... and things like that

OK. First order of business. AMERICAN IDOL: What kind of show are you?? A reality TV show? A claim to fame? A freakin' circus event or a real talent show? I'm not sure anymore. But I guess there is still something on the show that makes me laugh...therefore I still watch.

Exhibit A:
"Head turned sideways. Gold in my mouth. Lookin' like a fool wit my pants on the ground." ps. his pants were on...

But seriously, I am still trying to figure out the motivation behind trying out for that show. I'm prettttty sure most of the time its just to get your 30 seconds on TV but then there are those few... the ones that scare me.

Anyways, enough of the tomfoolery! Today was a great day! Started at 9am (nothing too out of the ordinary) and ended roughly around 5:30pm. I know... craziness! Naw, I had some good laughs with co-workers and thats always a recipe for a good day! My job doesn't feel like work anymore, that is a cool feeling. Then I made my way over to the gym [NOTE: despite the fact that I was tired and hungry!] and went to the spin class! Its not a real spin class if your butt isn't sore and your shirt is 100% wet. I always go into Target after I work out... Its like part of my work-out. But today I thought, "Hey target friends! Here I am again in my awesome work-out garb. Hope its inspirational!"

Well, I'm feeling the BP. Not blood pressure...BLOG pressure. I think I now have a couple (2) of followers and now its like, I have to post. I can't just skip a couple weeks and not record that part of my life! That would be insanity! So, to all my followers... I will do my best. Can't promise a blog a day or even every other day, but I WILL keep you updated on my exciting, blessed life. ;)

Love you all!


  1. I think i heard the target girls singing this as you left Target "sweat on da ground, sweat on da ground, you lookin like a fool with your sweat on da ground"

  2. Ohh American Idol, I am not sure America needs a season 10.

  3. Follower # 3 here. Hello!
