Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Stress is bad.

Who knew? It leads to sleepless nights, headaches, crazy dreams, colds, and cold sores. The antibiotics can take away the cold sores, but not the stress. Unfortunately.

Reasons I could be stressed?

I don't really have a crazy personal life of drama at this point in my life (which is a HUGE blessing) and I have a wonderful family (of whom are really far away) but my job, isn't exactly a stress-free environment (as I know most jobs aren't). Social Work though, I think is in the same category of Doctors. MD's help heal the body. Social Workers try to heal the soul. Key word being, try, but as most Christians would know...People need Jesus, not other people. I get caught in the trap sometimes (ok often) that I can help heal people by giving them lots of Jackie. Actually all of me. Jackie can bring a smile, laughter and maybe some relief for a time, but Jesus can bring Healing, Life and Redemption for all Eternity. Hmmm.

Yes, Self Care is important... I know this from working a day in this field, but apparently my body is telling me to "TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!" and PRAY. HARD.

I will De-Stress by:
*Spending Time With My Maker
*Praying For My Kids, NOT Worrying
*Hitting The Gym

All of these, I hope to accomplish tonight. Ok...I better get going on my list! :) If you think to, pray for me and that I would be committed to giving the people around me Jesus, not just jackie.

Goodbye Stress!
Love, Jackie


  1. I love a lot of Jackie though :) but definitely not as much as I love or need a lot of Jesus.
