Sunday, May 23, 2010

Drivers Seat

OK, so sometimes I go through these slumps. It's Saturday night. I'm sitting on the couch, in my PJ's, looking forward to one thing: A call from my parents. Now, I LOVE my parents and all... but that doesn't sound like a fun life to me. Probably doesn't to you either. You might be thinking "Wow, poor Jackie, thats pretty lame." Well I'm thinking the same thing.

Its time to start taking life by the balls. I'm sick of some things in my life and I'm going to change them. First off-- EVERY day has potential to be freaking amazing. Its what you make of it. We all know the saying, "You get out what you put in" Well, I don't thinking I'm putting enough IN.

The movie "Bride Wars" has been my recent motivation. Liv, (Kate Hudson) reminds me of myself. At one point in the movie someone refers to her as "the EX-Heffer" In the movie, she is walking as fast as she possibly can and her friend is jogging (with ease) around her. HAHA If I have to walk as fast as these dang legs can go... I will get somewhere. Eventually. I am going to be an Ex-Heffer, if it kills me. (And it just might)

Well I am going to start by making some goals. What is a person without some freaking direction, ambition or drive. To be honest, sometimes I have none. Its the weirdest, smallest things that sometimes trigger this wave of motivation, but Lord knows I need it. I know HE will help, but sometimes you gotta fake it until you make it.

Maybe when I get somewhere, this blog will be renamed "Ex-Heffer" and I will be able to post some successful pictures of myself. Its kind of motivating just to write it out on here and ever since I saw Julie and Julia, I've wanted to start a blog about a weight loss challenge. Weight is one of those things: It can either swallow you up in shame, pity and depression or you can fight it back with laughter, sweat and maybe a few tears. I've always talked about writing a book about it, but I'm not too much of a writer, so I think blogger is about it for me. I will use this blog to track my progress, share my thoughts, frustrations and successes! Will you read along as I start the journey of fighting off evil brownies, cookies and carbs and head towards a happier, healthier me? I need the support!

First Goal: -6 lbs.
Time: Ruby's Wedding June 26th

I'm sick of sitting in the passenger seat and letting Food drive. She ain't driving me to where I want to go. MOVE OVA!

1 comment:

  1. mmm that cookie looks delicious :) I SUPPORT YOU! and I think your goals are totally achievable. I loved your last line... MOVE OVA!!!

    p.s. I need some direction, my days are just drifting by on the couch. No bueno.
