Thursday, May 27, 2010

Random Thoughts & a Busy Weekend

Some random thoughts:

I am SO excited and proud of my friend, Emily, for losing 100 lbs! What an accomplishment. Its like watching a beautiful flower unfold. Keep up the amazing work and inspiring those around you! :)

Work has been really mellow this week. It makes me think of a few things. Number one, SO glad I don't have a "Desk Job" that includes mostly, filing, scanning and faxing. One of my co-workers and I were discussing which was worse: Faxing or Scanning. Its a toss-up, really, but I vote faxing. It always takes at least 20 minutes and you have to wait there to make sure it goes through. Then when the machine gets all excited and pulls 3 pages at once...that makes it even more fun! Then it has to wait...busy...cancelling...and you start all over again. At least this always seems to be the case with me. What's your vote? Yeah, they both suck. I'm glad I work with kids.

When the boss is gone: Its hard to stay motivated. This whole week has pretty much been "boss free." Now in many ways, this is nice. :) We all look forward to that freedom and NO accountability. I have to admit- Its wonderful. I am accomplishing what needs to get done, but its nice to take a "coffee break" with the co-worker at any point of the day. Or blog. Or Facebook. Or dominate people in Words With Friends.(Opps, I should get back to work!)

Now to the Busy Weekend. Here's a line up of whats going on:
Friday: Work. Olympia comes in. Bachlorette Party for Miata!
Saturday: Coffee with Heather. Music Practice.
Rehearsal Dinner for Miata and Shox
Sunday: Church. More Music Practice. Wedding for Miata and Shox
Monday: Hang out with Olympia. Maybe Beach Day? Mmm that sounds nice. Hopefully plan some sort of BBQ or get-together too, if I'm not wiped from all the previous festivities. ;)

Well I am working until 7pm tonight, so for everyone home, eating dinner and relaxing...Enjoy! I'll get there at some point.

Have a Terrific Thursday, everyone.


  1. i am SO excited to see you :)

  2. love you bean! thanks for the shout out!
    your support has been such a huge blessing!
