Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Can't we ever just have a salat or somesing?

What do you get when you mix broccoli, apple slices, advocado, bits of monteray jack cheese, sweet tender chicken chunks and caesar dressing? Strawberries? ...An AMAZING SALAT!* Salads are SO GOOD! Praise God!

For a while, I was like "if I see one more leafy green thing, I might gag" so I was eating anything but salads. I'm pleased to announce...My love has returned. Ok so I know Caesar dressing is not like the "skinny girl dressing" but shoot, its good. Any salad topped with caesar dressing (Girards to be exact) is perfection. I've been totally into fruit and since I had marinated my chicken (Which was totally nast when I ate it with plain brown rice) in teriyaki sauce...It turned out to be a great sweet combination! Yum! Ok...enough about salats.

Today was another "Laughing until the tears are streaming down your face" kind of day at work. Ahh. :) I think what did it today was the 20 minute conversation at the end of the day sharing cat stories. I had about 9 of my own and my bosses and co-workers combined with some ridiculous stories from the show "Hoarders," which he loves, created the laugh-fest! One of my co-workers abhors cats and I couldn't even finish the story about running over our cat's tail that left a skid mark without tears streaming down my face. I love laughing...its medicine to my soul. I personally think it needs to be apart of every work day to even balance the other side of our work. With budget cuts on the horizon, things have the potential to be grey around the office.

The situation: In social services, it all comes down to funding. Programs either get funding or they don't. Our budget is now on the chopping block due to the proposed budget eliminating the entire THP+ program this coming fiscal year (July). Bummer. You know what's incredible cool though?

I rest in the peace and plans of my Savior and King. I was realizing last night that in times of trial (or potential trial) God completely delights Himself in being our strength. God works in all situations of our lives, but there is something very special about being at the complete mercy of God's strength and power. Desperation frees us to cling to the One and Only thing that we need, never get enough of. Oh may God draw me closer as I learn to trust in His good plans for my life!

God willing, we will find out around April what our job situation looks like and about how many youth we serve will be instantly homeless. Needless to say, I'm praying for some funding.

On a fun note, I got chosen to represent our agency with two of my service partners at the Taking Action Conference 2010 in Sacramento! We will be flying up there March 21st, staying in the Embassy Suites, hitting up a Kings game (my boys!) and marching to the capitol to speak with legislators and Senate/Assembly members about youth programs and budget cuts that will impact these programs. We are hoping to voice our opinions about the new proposed budget...and make a difference. It will be an awesome time with my kids and a fun trip! I hope to sneak in some time to see the family too, if I can. :)

Well I'm off to study some of God's word in my Beth Moore study. More revelations later...
Trust Him with you life, Beloved!

*Nacho Libre


  1. oh salads...how I miss making those massive, amazing creations with you!! I need to get back into eating them again too :) steamed spinach is my new thing, lol.
    I LOVE you my kixie!!!

  2. Funny that Olympia commented about the salads because salads make me think of Olympia :)
