Friday, March 5, 2010

The Perfect Age

Blog, bloggity blog...what to write about? Oh! I turned 25!

I didn't even know it because this week was spent ditching and dodging a darn cold! I worked last weekend (all weekend I might add) with 20 little kids up at Harrahs, babysittin' for some sweet cash. The end result...$300 paycheck and a cold. :( I also think one of my kids had strep last time we met for case management. Awesome!

I'm a pretty good fighter though because as I sit here, I'm feeling great! Not so good this morning at work but I think my spirits are lifted as I'm lounging after a great dinner with friends on a Friday night. I'm getting pretty excited for some rainy birthday celebrations tomorrow night...but before that, let's recap my actual birthday on Wednesday.

March 3, 2010 I turned Twenty-Five.

Yep, quarter of a century and I feel as young as ever! After my 40 year old boss said "Happy birthday" he said ..."and if I hear any comments about getting old, they won't be without a rolling of my eyes."

I'm young friends... YOUNG! 30 is the new 20 and I'm not even in the late twenties yet. Nope, right smack dab in the middle. "The Perfect Age" as my boss describes it. Lots of people seemed to add to their birthday wish that "this was going to be my year." Not sure what that means, but I like it.

Wednesday was great...first thing my co-workers said was "Happy Birthday" [Always good when they remember] I got an awesome free mexican lunch and after work two of my best friends and I went to Babycakes in Hillcrest for a birthday cupcake and a coffee. What could be sweeter? :) We talked the night away and stayed out late* All in all, a great way to bring in the Perfect Age.

Tomorrow I'm looking forward to a morning rain hike with the roomies. Its predicted to rain, but we decided RAIN or shine...we're hittin' Torrey Pines. Then (my latest idea) of a pedicure directly following the awesome to just cruise right in there and peel off those socks? HA! jk, I'll shower first. Then maybe take a nap, watch a movie, read a book, etc. etc. then begin getting ready for dinner out with all the good friends! I'm very thankful for all of the great people in my life and I'm excited to share my bday party with none other than my roomie, Kamar. Her birthday is the 25th (like my mom!) so we are joining our birthdays. My goal is to make memories, take some dang pictures and enjoy the Perfect Age. I only get this age for one year...I better make the most of it!

[25.The Best Year Ever including a list of goals coming soon] :)

For now, its off to continue fighting the cold so I can get some beauty rest for the fun events tomorrow.


Peace & Love,

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