Sunday, March 28, 2010

Well, Hello There

What a great way to end the weekend.

The doctors office.

Who would have thought? I made an appt tonight and after a "quick" walk back from Ken Cafe with my iced vanilla chai latte and a stop to my bestie's house for the second Harry Potter book, I made my way over to Kaiser. Not usually something I'm pretty stoked about, ya know, the doctors isn't like the place to be on a Saturday night or a relaxing Sunday evening event...but let me tell you! I've never had a better experience.

The doctor's name was Muhammad Ashori. Now don't tell me that kind of makes you nervous. Nothing against the Middle East (shout-out Venish!) but there's something comforting about having a name that sounds familiar. Well, all of this was out the window the second this incredibly gorgeous Arabic/White man walked in the room. It was one of those times you think... so glad I'm not in here for something like: HIV status results or anything more awkward than the common cold... but needless to say... What a guy! He was beautiful!

AND ridiculously sarcarstic and hilarious. I proceeded to tell him about northern california kaisers and why they don't share records, he responded with "bastards." Then I was telling him about my job and he responded with "Yeah, so you totally have like the easiest job ever. No stress at all." We ended the visit with him telling me to email my primary female doctor with this exact email: "Dude, Get me some refill meds or I will shank you." "We respond well to threats. Us doctors, we're actually total wimps." Muhammad Ashori, I love you. You're Totally Wicked.

Ah, well I am feeling better (after M Dawg Ashori ;) and am getting myself pumped for Monday. You just have to be ready. Its like, if you walk into the office at 9am not 100% prepared, you're setting yourself up to fail. I like to be prepared.

Hope I get sick again really soon,


  1. you are too funny! sorry you are sick, but glad you met your future husband;)

  2. adorable!! cant wait to get the deeper dets later this week... love you
