Saturday, February 6, 2010

What makes a great day?

Well many things could make my day great, but here are a few of the things that happened today to bring in the weekend with a smile on my face.

1. Coffee/Cutters Point: Pretty much anytime I have a break in the day, I can easily find a way to sneak in a trip to my local (or Starbucks because its convenient) coffee shop. Today, I decided to stop in Cutters. I love the place because of its feel mostly...well and their white mochas. :) I always feel like I see at least one person reading their bible in there... That's just stellar. It brings a smile to my face and a breath of fresh air to my soul! It makes me crave Jesus, like I crave coffee. (I know, I shouldn't be able to use that analogy so well)

2. Tears-streaming-down-your-face-kind-of-laughter at work. God is so rad to give us a sense of humor. What in the WORLD would you do without laughter? Working in social services...? Um, I'd be on meds right now if I couldn't laugh my way through the day. Can't really remember what it was about, but it's becoming a common occurence around the workplace lately... and I'M LOVING IT.

3. Getting off early. I'm loving my job, but there is nothing like bouncing out early on Friday to miss traffic (sort-of) and start your weekend even as much as an HOUR early! YES

4. Card with Cash. I get home to find the only piece of mail with my name on it and the sender being Mom. The card read that we started as mother and daughter and turned out to be friends. My heart is full. I then find a check for a CHUNK of money with strict orders to spend on a "new outfit or boots"...not bills. Who has parents like mine?? Lord, You never just provide...You lavish!

5. Friends, the Oldies but Goodies. My ADX girls, both old and young, alumni and active are near and dear to my heart and will never be replaced. My time in college was absolutely priceless and the JOY I see and feel when I'm around these ladies is overwhelming. Lord, thank you for dropping me into the world of ADX, having no idea it would have such a lasting impact on my relationship with You. I'm forever grateful.

That, my friends/readers/fellow bloggers, was a Great Day!

Smiling my way to sleep...

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